I recently caught up with a fellow freelancer who has, like me, experienced a tricky year with less opportunities than usual (the 2023 job market has been pretty brutal for permies, contractors and freelancers alike) and it felt so good to hear I wasn't alone in struggling to find suitable gigs.
Which is just one reason why you need a network of people who work with the same capricious set of circumstances.
Not only will they have experienced the same moments of "droubt" (the little known urban ref for drought and doubt), they can be a conduit for opportunities offered to them but which they may not have bandwidth for. Of course, that relies on a hefty side serving of transparency and having the vulnerability to say "it's not going so well" when the need arises.
And without that networking ethos, freelancers can fall prey to common misconceptions by the industry peers that they're smashing their goals, working on great gigs and hi-rolling right out the park. And no help from them.
And sure, there is some competition but it's far less pervasive than you might think, with the majority of freelancers only too aware of the value of connecting with their contracting peers, spitballing ideas, sharing challenges and gaining proxy access to their network, which could be valuable for securing future work.
I'm making it an objective this year (if I call it a resolution in January, its never going to happen) to spend, ideally, one day a week speaking to someone I haven't met before, or don't know well, to keep growing that network of contractors and freelancers. And whatever your views on LinkedIn, it is gold for setting that up.
So, if you ever thought freelancing might be too isolating for you, think again. The friends you make on this journey stick around long after the contract ends too.
See you on the other side?